فهرست مطالب

فصلنامه پیک نور (علوم انسانی)
سال هشتم شماره 3 (پاییز 1389)

  • فلسفه و معارف اسلامی
  • تاریخ انتشار: 1389/08/17
  • تعداد عناوین: 10
  • A. R. Heydari Page 22
    Stranger's knowledge of eastern culture has an ancient history, specially in Islamic culture. We can also relate its first steps to earlier centuries and further stages reach after crusades. One of orientalists, study areas is Narration which always involved doubt and objection. Goldizahar has the most effectiveness on narration studies, so that it is evident in further orientalist's works. Nowadays, in the information age, the Muslim researcher's neglect has prejudicial effects on muslim's beliefs and weakens religious bases. Here, we discuss the word "Orientation" and the reason of naming orientalists such as Goldizhar. Later, the formation of orientalist's studies in narration is argued and finally four theories about narration and biography of Goldizhar are being studied. Original references are used to analyze his viewpoints and some orientalists
  • A. Sadeghi Page 53
    Is there beyond of our body the thing that does certain deed for us? This is a question that has a long antecedent in the history of science and philosophy. Spirit, soul, mind, brain etc are answers that have been put to this question. As for, what is their nature? Is it a problem that has been always discussed? Nowadays, a part of philosophy that studies this problem is called "Philosophy of Mind". Although it is not really a new matter in philosophy, it has not a long time as a distinct part of philosophy. As for, what is stressing at present is the material statement of the discussed matter. The three theories of behaviorism, mind- brain identity and functionalism are considerable in this area. This article is seeking to state these theories and criticize them.
  • M. Mohaghegh, S.M. Mirdamadi, H. Dastranji Page 68
    The history of ethics is an ancient as man's thought and the effect of thoughts of some distinguished philosophers such as Plato, is agreed among scholars in the history of philosophy. Plato believes in the interaction of society and individual to reach excellent ethic. He proceeds rather ruler's ethics because he knows sage ruler or philosopherking as columns of eutopia. Moreover in this article ethical philosophy and rulers's ethics in plato viewpoint are investigated.
  • F. Kiaie Page 81
    Rudolf Bultmann is a prominent theologian and an expert at New Testament. He explained the only way for understanding Christian proclamation' referring to texts that this message reached us through them. The original cause of his fame is Demythologization of kerygma then it would be understandable to 20 century's human mind. He did his task by aid of Heidegger's existentialistic philosophy and persistently confirmed that his application of this philosophy would not reduce high value of kerygma in Christian proclamation. Although Heidegger provided concepts for existentialistic Theology of Bultmann' he was previously taught important points from Lutheran tradition and believed that faith is understandable only as an existentialistic phenomenon and should be relevant to ultimate truth named God. He justified his wide applying of philosophic system of Heidegger by showing great deal of similarity between the thought of writers of New Testament and principal concept of Martin Heidegger and asserts that diversity is on words applied in expressing their meaning. It is evident that in few cases cannot compare words of Gospel with their parallels in the philosophy of Heidegger. Bultmann is a complete existentialist not a Theologian defended beliefs of New Testament.
  • S. M. Mousavi Page 98
    There are four main dialogues in the history of science after Aristotle science, as below: 1. positivism and falsiferism; 2. Popper's falsiferism Dialogue and Lactoush's research; 3. Constructivism and connectivism dialogue of James Kohen; 4. Hermeneutic Dialoge. This article looks at the second dialogue role in the history of science and Karl Popper as its outstanding.
  • M. Mohebbi Page 109
    An unanimous view, claims that wisdom and philosophy started by Tales from Greece but Sheykh Eshraq believed that the Hermes (Edris, the prophet) was the source of wisdom and philosophy. There are so many researches and documentations that justify this theory. Hermes has different names in different cultures, old civilizations, Holy Scriptures and dictionaries and each one called him different names. He was called Hermes in Greece, Taat in Egypt, Akhnukh in Bible, and Edris, The prophet in Islamic scriptures. Hermes is an extraction from the Sheith, the son of Adam. He was the first one who was preferred as prophet after the former two prophets, Shieth and Adam. He founded sciences such as writing, physiology, chemistry, astronomy, wisdom and philosophy. Accordingly, he was called Trismegitos in Greece and Almosalas- Belhekmah in Islamicreferences. Hermetic masterpieces, which have been written mostly in the old important languages, have deeply influenced on the Eastern's and western's streams of consciousness. Hermetic scriptures have discussed different logical issues like, the God, the Man and the Universe. These scriptures are not only more coherent but also more purposeful and philosophic than Grecian ones.
  • H. Sheykhiani Page 125
    The Principle of possibility of superior or the noblest creature is basic rule of illumination School. This rule has also been extracted by principle of oneness and superior being. We define it as possibility of superior creature. When there is possibility of any kind existence, the superior or the noblest creature should have been come into existence before it. As we observe that creatures have physical body, if we say that these creatures have come into existence without any source of superior creature, then we will have to face many objections, for example, lack of harmony and unity between cause and effect. Paying attention to these objections and certain rational principles, physical beings cannot be created by a sole without any sources. Multiplicity creatures or affairs cannot be create sole or one, but as we examine multiple creatures have existed, so we solve this problem by approaching to principle of possibility of superior creature.
  • S. M. Razavian Page 143
    To believe some teachings of christiandom and church is one of muslim scholar's disturbances among Islam and christian arguments. Some of them including Holy trinity, sacrifice and eternal sin, are intruced as polytheism in Islam. Christians believed those teachings completely in the post centuries, but some christian thinkers analyzed and criticized them in the recent centuries. Some didnt accept although some interpreted it. Muslim thinkers, on the other hand, entered this discussion interpretingly, considering the religion's relationship. In this essay, some verses of Maryam (As) surah are described while introducing both viewpoints. Maybe it is a new way to know Jesus christ's (P.B.O.H) character better. He was Saint Mary's (As) son, also he was a prophet like other prophetshaving special characteristics and an especial birth. But he was not the God's son.